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Postgres configurations

Incremental materialization strategies

In dbt-postgres, the following incremental materialization strategies are supported:

  • append (default when unique_key is not defined)
  • merge
  • delete+insert (default when unique_key is defined)
  • microbatch

Performance optimizations


"Unlogged" tables can be considerably faster than ordinary tables, as they are not written to the write-ahead log nor replicated to read replicas. They are also considerably less safe than ordinary tables. See Postgres docs for details.

{{ config(materialized='table', unlogged=True) }}

select ...
+unlogged: true


While Postgres works reasonably well for datasets smaller than about 10m rows, database tuning is sometimes required. It's important to create indexes for columns that are commonly used in joins or where clauses.

Table models, incremental models, seeds, snapshots, and materialized views may have a list of indexes defined. Each Postgres index can have three components:

  • columns (list, required): one or more columns on which the index is defined
  • unique (boolean, optional): whether the index should be declared unique
  • type (string, optional): a supported index type (B-tree, Hash, GIN, etc)
{{ config(
materialized = 'table',
{'columns': ['column_a'], 'type': 'hash'},
{'columns': ['column_a', 'column_b'], 'unique': True},

select ...

If one or more indexes are configured on a resource, dbt will run create index DDLData Definition Language (DDL) is a group of SQL statements that you can execute to manage database objects, including tables, views, and more. statement(s) as part of that resource's materializationThe exact Data Definition Language (DDL) that dbt will use when creating the model’s equivalent in a data warehouse., within the same transaction as its main create statement. For the index's name, dbt uses a hash of its properties and the current timestamp, in order to guarantee uniqueness and avoid namespace conflict with other indexes.

create index if not exists
on "my_target_database"."my_target_schema"."indexed_model"
using hash

create unique index if not exists
on "my_target_database"."my_target_schema"."indexed_model"
(column_a, column_b);

You can also configure indexes for a number of resources at once:

- columns: ['column_a']
type: hash

Materialized views

The Postgres adapter supports materialized views with the following configuration parameters:

ParameterTypeRequiredDefaultChange Monitoring Support
+materialized: materialized_view
+on_configuration_change: apply | continue | fail
- columns: [<column-name>]
unique: true | false
type: hash | btree

The indexes parameter corresponds to that of a table, as explained above. It's worth noting that, unlike tables, dbt monitors this parameter for changes and applies the changes without dropping the materialized view. This happens via a DROP/CREATE of the indexes, which can be thought of as an ALTER of the materialized view.

Learn more about these parameters in Postgres's docs.